As elusive as his beauty, it swirls, it dances, it hunts and it kills. Pure darkness in a heart of revenge, be warned about the trickster: whatever his mask, he remains himself.
(#) Sujet: Re: ⊰ Recenser les Rp's terminés Sam 26 Mar 2016 - 12:26
☇ SURNOM(S) : tony, philanthropist, mr. stark, genius, playboy, homme de métal, big man in a suit of armor, son of a gun, armored avenger, golden avenger.
☇ AFFILIATION : super-héros; avengers.
☇ JOB : ancien PDG de Stark Industries, en est toujours le principal actionnaire; directeur du R&D département de Stark Industries; se considère comme le leader des avengers; consultant au HAMMER.
☇ HUMEUR : révolutionnaire.
→ Q.I. intellectuel atteignant 250 points.
→ extremis 2.0.
→ cyberpathie améliorée.
→ armures ultra sophistiquées ayant chacune leurs caractéristiques mais contenant toutes des rayons ultra-propulseurs. fonctionnent grâce à l'énergie du réacteur, sont connectées au cerveau de Stark grâce à extremis.
→ réacteur arc dans la poitrine contenant une source d'énergie verte auto-générée ultra puissante pouvait générer jusqu'à plusieurs milliers de méga joules par secondes. lié à la technologie R.T. qui stimule ses sens.
(#) Sujet: Re: ⊰ Recenser les Rp's terminés Sam 26 Mar 2016 - 12:32
(#) Sujet: Re: ⊰ Recenser les Rp's terminés Dim 10 Avr 2016 - 21:59
☇ SURNOM(S) : tony, philanthropist, mr. stark, genius, playboy, homme de métal, big man in a suit of armor, son of a gun, armored avenger, golden avenger.
☇ AFFILIATION : super-héros; avengers.
☇ JOB : ancien PDG de Stark Industries, en est toujours le principal actionnaire; directeur du R&D département de Stark Industries; se considère comme le leader des avengers; consultant au HAMMER.
☇ HUMEUR : révolutionnaire.
→ Q.I. intellectuel atteignant 250 points.
→ extremis 2.0.
→ cyberpathie améliorée.
→ armures ultra sophistiquées ayant chacune leurs caractéristiques mais contenant toutes des rayons ultra-propulseurs. fonctionnent grâce à l'énergie du réacteur, sont connectées au cerveau de Stark grâce à extremis.
→ réacteur arc dans la poitrine contenant une source d'énergie verte auto-générée ultra puissante pouvait générer jusqu'à plusieurs milliers de méga joules par secondes. lié à la technologie R.T. qui stimule ses sens.
(#) Sujet: Re: ⊰ Recenser les Rp's terminés Mar 12 Avr 2016 - 2:07
Merci !
Jazinda Kl'rt Spawn
☇ DOUBLONS : Janice Olivia Yanizeski et Gaia
☇ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Maggie Q.
☇ CRÉDITS : Aucun
☇ NOM DE CODE : Jazinda
(#) Sujet: Re: ⊰ Recenser les Rp's terminés Ven 22 Avr 2016 - 15:04
- Who... What are you ?
- Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster. And I'm looking for my creator.
- Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tired to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of together, protecting each other. We want the same thing.
- My friend. I'm sorry, but we do not.
- Could you pass me my robe?
- You don't have to hide. Have you ever looked at a tiger and thought you ought to cover it up?
- No, but...
- You are an exquisite creature, Raven. All your life the world has tried to tame you. It's time for you to be free.
- If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead. You know that.
- I know.
- Goodbye, old friend.
- Goodbye, Erik.
- You must be Wolverine. That remarkable metal doesn't run through your entire body, does it?
- What do you want with me?
- You? My dear boy, who ever said I wanted you?
- Are you sneaking around in here, Charles? Whatever are you looking for?
- I'm looking for hope.
- I will bring you hope, old friend, and I ask only one thing in return - don't get in my way.
- We are the future, Charles, not them! They no longer matter!
How does it look from there Charles? Still fighting the good fight? From here it looks like they're not playing by your rules... Maybe it's time to play by theirs!
- Eriik !
- Erik, my old friend. Please... Kill me ! KILL ME !
(#) Sujet: Re: ⊰ Recenser les Rp's terminés Sam 14 Mai 2016 - 14:18
RP inachevé suite au départ de Maria Hill : Par ici ! Merci
Nathan Winchester
☇ DOUBLONS : Loki Laufeyson & Whitney Frost
☇ PSEUDO : missxchaotic
☇ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Armie Hammer
☇ CRÉDITS : fassylover
☇ ÂGE DU PERSONNAGE : 34 balais
☇ NOM DE CODE : aucun
☇ SURNOM(S) : Nate
☇ JOB : pompier , (sniper dans la royale marine)
☇ HUMEUR : plutôt bonne
(#) Sujet: Re: ⊰ Recenser les Rp's terminés Mar 17 Mai 2016 - 17:01
(#) Sujet: Re: ⊰ Recenser les Rp's terminés Dim 22 Mai 2016 - 20:51
Bon je me faisais chier donc j'ai fais le tour du forum pour trouver l'inspi puis je me suis dis que j'allais vous recenser les postes avec des invités pour que vous sachiez où les trouvez ces méchants là !
- Who... What are you ?
- Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster. And I'm looking for my creator.
- Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tired to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of together, protecting each other. We want the same thing.
- My friend. I'm sorry, but we do not.
- Could you pass me my robe?
- You don't have to hide. Have you ever looked at a tiger and thought you ought to cover it up?
- No, but...
- You are an exquisite creature, Raven. All your life the world has tried to tame you. It's time for you to be free.
- If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead. You know that.
- I know.
- Goodbye, old friend.
- Goodbye, Erik.
- You must be Wolverine. That remarkable metal doesn't run through your entire body, does it?
- What do you want with me?
- You? My dear boy, who ever said I wanted you?
- Are you sneaking around in here, Charles? Whatever are you looking for?
- I'm looking for hope.
- I will bring you hope, old friend, and I ask only one thing in return - don't get in my way.
- We are the future, Charles, not them! They no longer matter!
How does it look from there Charles? Still fighting the good fight? From here it looks like they're not playing by your rules... Maybe it's time to play by theirs!
- Eriik !
- Erik, my old friend. Please... Kill me ! KILL ME !
(#) Sujet: Re: ⊰ Recenser les Rp's terminés Mer 25 Mai 2016 - 6:43
RP abandonné suite à mon changement de personnage : HERE ! Merci !
Jazinda Kl'rt Spawn
☇ DOUBLONS : Janice Olivia Yanizeski et Gaia
☇ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Maggie Q.
☇ CRÉDITS : Aucun
☇ NOM DE CODE : Jazinda
(#) Sujet: Re: ⊰ Recenser les Rp's terminés Ven 3 Juin 2016 - 13:45
- Who... What are you ?
- Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster. And I'm looking for my creator.
- Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tired to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of together, protecting each other. We want the same thing.
- My friend. I'm sorry, but we do not.
- Could you pass me my robe?
- You don't have to hide. Have you ever looked at a tiger and thought you ought to cover it up?
- No, but...
- You are an exquisite creature, Raven. All your life the world has tried to tame you. It's time for you to be free.
- If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead. You know that.
- I know.
- Goodbye, old friend.
- Goodbye, Erik.
- You must be Wolverine. That remarkable metal doesn't run through your entire body, does it?
- What do you want with me?
- You? My dear boy, who ever said I wanted you?
- Are you sneaking around in here, Charles? Whatever are you looking for?
- I'm looking for hope.
- I will bring you hope, old friend, and I ask only one thing in return - don't get in my way.
- We are the future, Charles, not them! They no longer matter!
How does it look from there Charles? Still fighting the good fight? From here it looks like they're not playing by your rules... Maybe it's time to play by theirs!
- Eriik !
- Erik, my old friend. Please... Kill me ! KILL ME !
(#) Sujet: Re: ⊰ Recenser les Rp's terminés Lun 20 Juin 2016 - 9:46
RPs abandonnés suite aux suppressions de personnages :
☇ JOB : Scientifique, spécialiste en physique nucléaire (Bruce) / Seigneur déchu d'un royaume sur Alfheim (Hulk)
☇ HUMEUR : Depressed (Bruce) / Saddened (Hulk)
You know what scares me the most ? When it happens, when it comes over me... and I totally lose control, I like it.
- Talk to Fury, he needs you on this.
- He needs me in a cage?
- No one's gonna put you in a..
- It's good to meet you, Dr. Banner. Your work on anti-electron collisions is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.
- Thanks.
- You speak of control, yet you court chaos.
- It's his M.O., isn't it? I mean, what are we, a team? No, no, no. We're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're... we're a time-bomb.
- Hey, is it me, or did somebody superheat ions to excite a vibranium dish, thereby forming an interdimensional portal?
- Bingo!
- Eh, what that mean?
- It mean: friends fixed what Dark Shiny did to us.
- No, what Bingo mean?
- You... Hulk thought you were friend. Why you hurt Hulk?
- Because you destroyed the one man I loved. And now you're going to help bring him back.
- Hulk! We no longer anchored to this world. I can take you home.
- Earth is no home of mine.
- Bruce ? Bruce ? Dr. Bruce Banner ? You must come back to us ! Come back, Bruce ! You can do it.
- How can I overcome all of this ?
- You're stronger than you think, Bruce. It is a problem that we will all solve together.
(#) Sujet: Re: ⊰ Recenser les Rp's terminés Mar 26 Juil 2016 - 16:07
- Who... What are you ?
- Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster. And I'm looking for my creator.
- Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tired to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of together, protecting each other. We want the same thing.
- My friend. I'm sorry, but we do not.
- Could you pass me my robe?
- You don't have to hide. Have you ever looked at a tiger and thought you ought to cover it up?
- No, but...
- You are an exquisite creature, Raven. All your life the world has tried to tame you. It's time for you to be free.
- If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead. You know that.
- I know.
- Goodbye, old friend.
- Goodbye, Erik.
- You must be Wolverine. That remarkable metal doesn't run through your entire body, does it?
- What do you want with me?
- You? My dear boy, who ever said I wanted you?
- Are you sneaking around in here, Charles? Whatever are you looking for?
- I'm looking for hope.
- I will bring you hope, old friend, and I ask only one thing in return - don't get in my way.
- We are the future, Charles, not them! They no longer matter!
How does it look from there Charles? Still fighting the good fight? From here it looks like they're not playing by your rules... Maybe it's time to play by theirs!
- Eriik !
- Erik, my old friend. Please... Kill me ! KILL ME !
(#) Sujet: Re: ⊰ Recenser les Rp's terminés Ven 29 Juil 2016 - 19:12