☇ JOB : Co-directrice, professeur et médecin à l'Institut
☇ HUMEUR : anéantie
- télépathie
- télékinésie
- lévitation
- Phénix : sur ses gardes
- régénération (non contrôlée)
- absorption d'énergie (Phénix)
Tenue de combat actuelle :
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Lun 1 Aoû 2016 - 4:54
Puisque l'ordre de réponse semble assez flou , je vais me permettre de répondre après Vlad (vu que là, j'ai encore le temps de le faire).
Par contre, avec ces histoires de jets de dés, désolée, mais je vais faire ça à ma sauce, sinon, j'arrive pas à rédiger ma réponse (du coup, je poste une réponse "blanche" pour faire mes jets de dés, que j'éditerai ensuite en vraie réponse en tenant compte des résultats obtenus ... désolé si ça vous frustre ou si c'est pas comme ça que ça marche, mais perso, sinon, j'arrive pas à me projeter et à anticiper mon texte).
☇ JOB : Co-directrice, professeur et médecin à l'Institut
☇ HUMEUR : anéantie
- télépathie
- télékinésie
- lévitation
- Phénix : sur ses gardes
- régénération (non contrôlée)
- absorption d'énergie (Phénix)
Tenue de combat actuelle :
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Lun 1 Aoû 2016 - 6:01
Double post, sorry
Juste pour dire, que j'ai posté ma réponse. S'il y a des choses à modifier, n'hésitez pas à me le signaler (en espérant ne pas m'être plantée dans la gestion de l'aléatoire).
Et pas d'inquiétude, j'avais déjà fait la liste des "conséquences" des jets de dés, avant de faire les jets de dés.
- Who... What are you ?
- Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster. And I'm looking for my creator.
- Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tired to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of together, protecting each other. We want the same thing.
- My friend. I'm sorry, but we do not.
- Could you pass me my robe?
- You don't have to hide. Have you ever looked at a tiger and thought you ought to cover it up?
- No, but...
- You are an exquisite creature, Raven. All your life the world has tried to tame you. It's time for you to be free.
- If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead. You know that.
- I know.
- Goodbye, old friend.
- Goodbye, Erik.
- You must be Wolverine. That remarkable metal doesn't run through your entire body, does it?
- What do you want with me?
- You? My dear boy, who ever said I wanted you?
- Are you sneaking around in here, Charles? Whatever are you looking for?
- I'm looking for hope.
- I will bring you hope, old friend, and I ask only one thing in return - don't get in my way.
- We are the future, Charles, not them! They no longer matter!
How does it look from there Charles? Still fighting the good fight? From here it looks like they're not playing by your rules... Maybe it's time to play by theirs!
- Eriik !
- Erik, my old friend. Please... Kill me ! KILL ME !
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Lun 1 Aoû 2016 - 12:02
Tu as bien fait Jean ;)
Je viens de poster. Désolé, je pensais vraiment pouvoir poster hier... Vlad, Jean et Pietro : J'adore vos posts !!!! :)
Et finalement, les dés ne sont pas si méchants que ça
Dites moi si mon post vous convient ou pas !
Vladimir Tepesch
☇ DOUBLONS : Warren Worthington III
☇ PSEUDO : Don
☇ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Johnny depp
☇ CRÉDITS : Stan Lee
☇ ÂGE DU PERSONNAGE : 585 ans, 30 ans d'apparence
☇ NOM DE CODE : Dracula
☇ SURNOM(S) : Vlad Tepez - Comte Dracula - l’Empaleur - Kaziglu Bey (le Prince Empaleur en turc ottoman)
☇ AFFILIATION : Vilain Indépendant
☇ JOB : Seigneur des vampires
☇ HUMEUR : Exécrablement bonne
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Lun 1 Aoû 2016 - 12:52
merci Erik, ton post est super aussi dites pour les dés, m'en suis bien servis ou je me suis craqué?
Bruce R. Banner
☇ DOUBLONS : Max - Emmy - Hunter - Groot
☇ PSEUDO : Duke of Jaan
☇ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Mark Ruffalo
☇ CRÉDITS : Dory ♥ (avatars) / Lizzou (Sign)
☇ NOM DE CODE : Hulk
☇ SURNOM(S) : Hulky, Brucey
☇ AFFILIATION : Indépendants
☇ JOB : Scientifique, spécialiste en physique nucléaire (Bruce) / Seigneur déchu d'un royaume sur Alfheim (Hulk)
☇ HUMEUR : Depressed (Bruce) / Saddened (Hulk)
You know what scares me the most ? When it happens, when it comes over me... and I totally lose control, I like it.
- Talk to Fury, he needs you on this.
- He needs me in a cage?
- No one's gonna put you in a..
- It's good to meet you, Dr. Banner. Your work on anti-electron collisions is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.
- Thanks.
- You speak of control, yet you court chaos.
- It's his M.O., isn't it? I mean, what are we, a team? No, no, no. We're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're... we're a time-bomb.
- Hey, is it me, or did somebody superheat ions to excite a vibranium dish, thereby forming an interdimensional portal?
- Bingo!
- Eh, what that mean?
- It mean: friends fixed what Dark Shiny did to us.
- No, what Bingo mean?
- You... Hulk thought you were friend. Why you hurt Hulk?
- Because you destroyed the one man I loved. And now you're going to help bring him back.
- Hulk! We no longer anchored to this world. I can take you home.
- Earth is no home of mine.
- Bruce ? Bruce ? Dr. Bruce Banner ? You must come back to us ! Come back, Bruce ! You can do it.
- How can I overcome all of this ?
- You're stronger than you think, Bruce. It is a problem that we will all solve together.
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Lun 1 Aoû 2016 - 12:56
Merci ! Bah il me semble qu'il te manque un lancé Car, on fait partie du même groupe pour Thanos : 2 jets de dés pour savoir si on lui en met plein la gueule et si on est blessé ou pas + 1 jet de dés pour la réaction du perso après l'intervention de Xavier
EDIT : Oups désolé, j'ai oublié de changer de compte
Vladimir Tepesch
☇ DOUBLONS : Warren Worthington III
☇ PSEUDO : Don
☇ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Johnny depp
☇ CRÉDITS : Stan Lee
☇ ÂGE DU PERSONNAGE : 585 ans, 30 ans d'apparence
☇ NOM DE CODE : Dracula
☇ SURNOM(S) : Vlad Tepez - Comte Dracula - l’Empaleur - Kaziglu Bey (le Prince Empaleur en turc ottoman)
☇ AFFILIATION : Vilain Indépendant
☇ JOB : Seigneur des vampires
☇ HUMEUR : Exécrablement bonne
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Lun 1 Aoû 2016 - 13:05
ah merde...bon bah tant pis x)
Bruce R. Banner
☇ DOUBLONS : Max - Emmy - Hunter - Groot
☇ PSEUDO : Duke of Jaan
☇ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Mark Ruffalo
☇ CRÉDITS : Dory ♥ (avatars) / Lizzou (Sign)
☇ NOM DE CODE : Hulk
☇ SURNOM(S) : Hulky, Brucey
☇ AFFILIATION : Indépendants
☇ JOB : Scientifique, spécialiste en physique nucléaire (Bruce) / Seigneur déchu d'un royaume sur Alfheim (Hulk)
☇ HUMEUR : Depressed (Bruce) / Saddened (Hulk)
You know what scares me the most ? When it happens, when it comes over me... and I totally lose control, I like it.
- Talk to Fury, he needs you on this.
- He needs me in a cage?
- No one's gonna put you in a..
- It's good to meet you, Dr. Banner. Your work on anti-electron collisions is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.
- Thanks.
- You speak of control, yet you court chaos.
- It's his M.O., isn't it? I mean, what are we, a team? No, no, no. We're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're... we're a time-bomb.
- Hey, is it me, or did somebody superheat ions to excite a vibranium dish, thereby forming an interdimensional portal?
- Bingo!
- Eh, what that mean?
- It mean: friends fixed what Dark Shiny did to us.
- No, what Bingo mean?
- You... Hulk thought you were friend. Why you hurt Hulk?
- Because you destroyed the one man I loved. And now you're going to help bring him back.
- Hulk! We no longer anchored to this world. I can take you home.
- Earth is no home of mine.
- Bruce ? Bruce ? Dr. Bruce Banner ? You must come back to us ! Come back, Bruce ! You can do it.
- How can I overcome all of this ?
- You're stronger than you think, Bruce. It is a problem that we will all solve together.
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Lun 1 Aoû 2016 - 14:34
C'est pas grave je pense, tu le feras pour le prochain post ;)
☇ DOUBLONS : Ancien Logan et membre du staff
☇ PSEUDO : Heovy
☇ CRÉDITS : eden memories + kygo
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Lun 1 Aoû 2016 - 15:21
Oula... C'est bien, y'a pas un lancé de dés qui ressemble à un autre xD
C'est un peu -beaucoup- le bordel mais on semble quand même s'y retrouver ^^
Vlad, tu as en effet oublié le dé concernant ton moral face à la situation. Mais on s'en sort pour l'autre dé
Jean, nickel, tu n'étais juste pas obligée de lancer ton troisième dé ^^"
Pietro, tu as bien jeté ton dé de moral mais l'option apparaît pas dans ton post, penses bien à toutes les mettre la prochaine fois ^^
Erik, tu aurais du combiner ton deuxième et troisième dé mais bon... Comme les autres ça ira pour ce tour ci
Pour les derniers voici un aperçu de ce qui aurait du être plus concrètement pour le groupe d'Erik - Pietro - Vlad' :
Dé moral :
NON: affecté par l'ambiance chaotique OUI: Le danger ? Pff ! Je me ris du danger !
Dé action vs Thanos :
OUI/OUI : YAY ! Epic Win ! Mange ça l'alien ! L'attaque est un succès et le retour de flamme n'est pas si grand. OUI/NON ou NON/OUI: ça touche mais non sans conséquences... NON/NON : Epic fail... Aie... L'attaque ne touche pas et en plus mon perso' s'en prend une belle ><
Dernière édition par Logan J. Howlett le Lun 1 Aoû 2016 - 15:35, édité 1 fois
- Who... What are you ?
- Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster. And I'm looking for my creator.
- Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tired to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of together, protecting each other. We want the same thing.
- My friend. I'm sorry, but we do not.
- Could you pass me my robe?
- You don't have to hide. Have you ever looked at a tiger and thought you ought to cover it up?
- No, but...
- You are an exquisite creature, Raven. All your life the world has tried to tame you. It's time for you to be free.
- If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead. You know that.
- I know.
- Goodbye, old friend.
- Goodbye, Erik.
- You must be Wolverine. That remarkable metal doesn't run through your entire body, does it?
- What do you want with me?
- You? My dear boy, who ever said I wanted you?
- Are you sneaking around in here, Charles? Whatever are you looking for?
- I'm looking for hope.
- I will bring you hope, old friend, and I ask only one thing in return - don't get in my way.
- We are the future, Charles, not them! They no longer matter!
How does it look from there Charles? Still fighting the good fight? From here it looks like they're not playing by your rules... Maybe it's time to play by theirs!
- Eriik !
- Erik, my old friend. Please... Kill me ! KILL ME !
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Mar 2 Aoû 2016 - 0:13
Aaaah ok, j'ai pigé le truc... xD
bon, par contre c'est vrai que l'ordre de passage a été quelque peu chamboulé... Normalement c'est dans cet ordre : Erik M. Lehnsherr - Jean Grey - Barbara Morse - Pietro F. Maximoff - Vladimir Tepesch - Yéléna Terensberg - Daisy Johnson Faudra qu'on le rétablisse au prochain tour je pense ! ;)
☇ DOUBLONS : Ancien Logan et membre du staff
☇ PSEUDO : Heovy
☇ CRÉDITS : eden memories + kygo
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Mar 2 Aoû 2016 - 2:14
Au pire si l'ordre n'est pas respecté ce n'est pas si grave, tant que vous mettez en accord avant de poster, que vous prévenez toussa toussa, c'est good
- Who... What are you ?
- Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster. And I'm looking for my creator.
- Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tired to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of together, protecting each other. We want the same thing.
- My friend. I'm sorry, but we do not.
- Could you pass me my robe?
- You don't have to hide. Have you ever looked at a tiger and thought you ought to cover it up?
- No, but...
- You are an exquisite creature, Raven. All your life the world has tried to tame you. It's time for you to be free.
- If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead. You know that.
- I know.
- Goodbye, old friend.
- Goodbye, Erik.
- You must be Wolverine. That remarkable metal doesn't run through your entire body, does it?
- What do you want with me?
- You? My dear boy, who ever said I wanted you?
- Are you sneaking around in here, Charles? Whatever are you looking for?
- I'm looking for hope.
- I will bring you hope, old friend, and I ask only one thing in return - don't get in my way.
- We are the future, Charles, not them! They no longer matter!
How does it look from there Charles? Still fighting the good fight? From here it looks like they're not playing by your rules... Maybe it's time to play by theirs!
- Eriik !
- Erik, my old friend. Please... Kill me ! KILL ME !
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Mar 2 Aoû 2016 - 2:46
☇ JOB : Co-directrice, professeur et médecin à l'Institut
☇ HUMEUR : anéantie
- télépathie
- télékinésie
- lévitation
- Phénix : sur ses gardes
- régénération (non contrôlée)
- absorption d'énergie (Phénix)
Tenue de combat actuelle :
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Mar 2 Aoû 2016 - 3:01
Bobbie sauvée par Bobby, c'est beau(bi)
Virginia P. Potts
☇ PSEUDO : Captain FreeBird
☇ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Gwyneth Paltrow
☇ CRÉDITS : cpt. palmer & tumblr
☇ NOM DE CODE : Rescue
☇ SURNOM(S) : Pepper
☇ JOB : PDG Stark Enterprises
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Mar 2 Aoû 2016 - 22:57
Voilà pour moi avec une petite cacedédi aux enfants des années 90.
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Jeu 4 Aoû 2016 - 16:22
C'est posté aussi pour ma part après de NOMBREUX cafouillages de ma part uu
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Lun 8 Aoû 2016 - 17:31
Double post desolée mais c'est pour prévenir que j'ai enfin trouvé un CDI (c'est le bon cette fois on y croit) Je suis donc dans la restauration et je préviens juste que je mettrais peut-être un peu de temps pour répondre mais comptez toujours sur moi pour l'event je ne vous abandonne point, sauf que je serais sans doute la dernière a poster après vous
- Who... What are you ?
- Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster. And I'm looking for my creator.
- Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tired to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of together, protecting each other. We want the same thing.
- My friend. I'm sorry, but we do not.
- Could you pass me my robe?
- You don't have to hide. Have you ever looked at a tiger and thought you ought to cover it up?
- No, but...
- You are an exquisite creature, Raven. All your life the world has tried to tame you. It's time for you to be free.
- If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead. You know that.
- I know.
- Goodbye, old friend.
- Goodbye, Erik.
- You must be Wolverine. That remarkable metal doesn't run through your entire body, does it?
- What do you want with me?
- You? My dear boy, who ever said I wanted you?
- Are you sneaking around in here, Charles? Whatever are you looking for?
- I'm looking for hope.
- I will bring you hope, old friend, and I ask only one thing in return - don't get in my way.
- We are the future, Charles, not them! They no longer matter!
How does it look from there Charles? Still fighting the good fight? From here it looks like they're not playing by your rules... Maybe it's time to play by theirs!
- Eriik !
- Erik, my old friend. Please... Kill me ! KILL ME !
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Lun 8 Aoû 2016 - 18:29
Ah c'est cool pour toi, Yéléna !!! Congrats !! :)
Vladimir Tepesch
☇ DOUBLONS : Warren Worthington III
☇ PSEUDO : Don
☇ CÉLÉBRITÉ : Johnny depp
☇ CRÉDITS : Stan Lee
☇ ÂGE DU PERSONNAGE : 585 ans, 30 ans d'apparence
☇ NOM DE CODE : Dracula
☇ SURNOM(S) : Vlad Tepez - Comte Dracula - l’Empaleur - Kaziglu Bey (le Prince Empaleur en turc ottoman)
☇ AFFILIATION : Vilain Indépendant
☇ JOB : Seigneur des vampires
☇ HUMEUR : Exécrablement bonne
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Lun 8 Aoû 2016 - 23:48
- Who... What are you ?
- Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster. And I'm looking for my creator.
- Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tired to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of together, protecting each other. We want the same thing.
- My friend. I'm sorry, but we do not.
- Could you pass me my robe?
- You don't have to hide. Have you ever looked at a tiger and thought you ought to cover it up?
- No, but...
- You are an exquisite creature, Raven. All your life the world has tried to tame you. It's time for you to be free.
- If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead. You know that.
- I know.
- Goodbye, old friend.
- Goodbye, Erik.
- You must be Wolverine. That remarkable metal doesn't run through your entire body, does it?
- What do you want with me?
- You? My dear boy, who ever said I wanted you?
- Are you sneaking around in here, Charles? Whatever are you looking for?
- I'm looking for hope.
- I will bring you hope, old friend, and I ask only one thing in return - don't get in my way.
- We are the future, Charles, not them! They no longer matter!
How does it look from there Charles? Still fighting the good fight? From here it looks like they're not playing by your rules... Maybe it's time to play by theirs!
- Eriik !
- Erik, my old friend. Please... Kill me ! KILL ME !
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Mar 9 Aoû 2016 - 9:14
AWESOME !!!! Je me propose d'introduire ce troisième tour les enfants !! *invoque le Dieu des dés pour qu'il soit avec moi*
- Who... What are you ?
- Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster. And I'm looking for my creator.
- Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tired to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of together, protecting each other. We want the same thing.
- My friend. I'm sorry, but we do not.
- Could you pass me my robe?
- You don't have to hide. Have you ever looked at a tiger and thought you ought to cover it up?
- No, but...
- You are an exquisite creature, Raven. All your life the world has tried to tame you. It's time for you to be free.
- If you let them have me, I'm as good as dead. You know that.
- I know.
- Goodbye, old friend.
- Goodbye, Erik.
- You must be Wolverine. That remarkable metal doesn't run through your entire body, does it?
- What do you want with me?
- You? My dear boy, who ever said I wanted you?
- Are you sneaking around in here, Charles? Whatever are you looking for?
- I'm looking for hope.
- I will bring you hope, old friend, and I ask only one thing in return - don't get in my way.
- We are the future, Charles, not them! They no longer matter!
How does it look from there Charles? Still fighting the good fight? From here it looks like they're not playing by your rules... Maybe it's time to play by theirs!
- Eriik !
- Erik, my old friend. Please... Kill me ! KILL ME !
(#) Sujet: Re: Event #2 - Dernier acte - TOPIC FLOOD Groupe 2 Mar 9 Aoû 2016 - 13:27
(sorry, double post) J'ai posté donc dîtes moi si cela vous convient ! Logan surtout, j'ai osé de nouveau, en espérant que ça te convienne, dans le cas contraire, je changerai des choses xD